Monday, March 18, 2013

JUST ME, 100 Monologues for Teens, presale price at Amazon

Go to this link to see the presale price for my new monologue book, JUST ME, 100 Monologues for Teens!  50 for girls, 50 for boys!

Thursday, March 07, 2013

Quiz for inkBLOT the novel

1. What is Ronnie Wright’s soft drink of choice

2. In what state were the bodies of the two dead girls found in the beginning of the book?

3. What is Ronnie’s dog’s name?

4. Where did Ronnie’s mom go when she abandoned him?

5. How were bodies of the dead girls found?

a. Like fish in a pond

b. Tied up like dolls in a display case

c. In a clothing store

6. What was tied around Sheila Monroe’s neck when they found her?

7. What was the name of Sheila Monroe’s most recent novel?

8. What kind of new car did Ronnie drive?

9. What kind of rating system did Chelsea have for food pieces?

10. What is Chelsea’s favorite color?

11. What was Super Scott riding when he had an accident?

12. The spin-off of the inkBLOT site would include an inkblot image – tattoo crossover for gaming and social networking. What would the name of this extension to his system be called?

13. Where did Ronnie get his tattoo down at Virginia Beach?

14. How much did Ronnie pay for a date with Chelsea at the celebrity auction?

15. What was the title of the newspaper story about Sheila Monroe?

16. What kind of motorcycles did Hallie Davison’s dad prefer?

17. Ronnie’s twist on inspirational quotes are called what?

18. What is Ronnie’s twitter name?

19. What is Chelsea’s twitter name?

20. What did they find in the victim, Fred Crenshaw’s car?

21. What made Travis Holden’s stove explode?

22. What was hurled at Emma Smith?

23. What was the pumpkin hurler playing when he ran away?

24. What did Chelsea drink at home the night of the big win?

25. What piece of evidence helped point the police to the right culprit?
If you can answer all these questions, drop me an email at

Activity Sheet for inkBLOT the novel

Activity Sheet for Teens for inkBLOT the novel

Read inkBLOT, the suspense novel by Johnson Naigle.

Then do these activities:
Find a crime report in the newspaper for a mysterious death.

Who is the victim?

Where was the crime?

Are there any suspects?

Is there any possible motive?

What questions would you ask the reporter if you could?

Eat at your favorite restaurant.

Write a food review on it like someone would run in the newspaper.

Rate the restaurant. Would you give it a five fork review?

Research inkblot surveys online. Take one of the tests. Give it to your friends to take.

See if you can guess your friends’ answers.

Look at the images and write your thoughts about the images.

Do the images conjure up any crime scenes? That’s what happened to one of the co-authors of inkBLOT and that’s how the book was born.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

JUST ME, 100 Monologues for Teens- March 2013

It's just a month away from the release date of my newest book,
JUST ME- 100 Monologues for Teens. There are 50 monologues for girls and 50 for boys in this book
that's being marketed to middle and high schools across the country. Working in a high school library,
I have seen teens come in, looking for the perfect monologue. I knew there was a niche for this kind of
book so it got the wheels turning. I had fun climbing into the heads of folks from different walks of life
to create these monologues. It should be published in March this year and included in Meriwether
Publishing's catalogs going out soon.